kNOwPLASTICS Online Game is a multi-player memory game based on Memory, also known as Concentration, Pelmanism, Shinkei-suijaku, or Pairs. The objective is to find matching pairs of cards. I developed both the game engine and the in-browser app.
WasteLess India is a non-profit social enterprise based in Auroville, South India. Their mission is to transform the way we think about waste by promoting responsible waste management and environmental sustainability. They developed an educational program, kNOwPLASTICS, which includes a memory game. Teachers can use the multi-week program to educate young students (6-12 years) on the importance of reducing the use of unsafe and single-use plastics.
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- Production: WasteLess India
- Design: Impprintz
- Illustrations: Navleen Kohli
- Programming: Office 4 (John Zandbergen)
The visual design of the application was created by Impprintz. From the design and with the client brief, a technical description was developed for a turn-based, multi-user online game. Using Angular for the client-side software and NodeJS for the game server, the complete application was built and hosted on Heroku.
The game was first published in 2018 and ran for a few years. It was re-published on the SabaITSolutions server in December 2024.
HTML5, CSS3, CSS Animations, Angular, NodeJS, TypeScript, Javascript, HAPI, MongoDB